Lesson 32: Welcome to the Treehouse!


Anna: Hello! Today is a big day. My first children’s show is on television! Woo-hoo! I’m excited and nervous.
Ms. Weaver: Hello, Anna.
Anna: Hello, Ms. Weaver!
Ms. Weaver: Some people are going to watch your children’s show. After they watch it, they’ll tell me what they liked, and what they didn’t like.
Anna: Oh, dear.
Ms. Weaver: They’re in the conference room. They’re in the conference room.
Anna: Hello, everyone. I’m Anna, and thanks for coming!
Coworker 2: What is the show about?
Anna: It’s a children’s show.
Coworker 1: But we are not children!
Anna: This children's show is different. I hope.
Coworker 3: I don’t really like children's shows.
Anna: Shhh, please. The show is starting!
Anna: Oh, hi! Just give me one minute ….oops! Oh well. I can fix that later.
Anna: Hello, I’m Anna! Welcome to “The Time Traveling Treehouse!” This is not a usual treehouse. It can time travel! That is why it’s called "The Time Traveling Treehouse."
MINDY: Anna, do not forget me.
Anna: Of course not! This is my partner, MINDY!
MINDY: My name means Massive Information Navigation Device, for You!
Anna: That means we can travel to many places and learn many things. Kids from all over the world ask us questions. We find them answers!
MINDY: Woo-hoo! That is right, Anna.
Anna: MINDY, what is our first question?
MINDY: Layla asks us this question.
Layla: Hello, Anna! Hello, MINDY! I'd like to know -- how do you play baseball?
Anna: That is a great question! MINDY, we need to find her an answer!
MINDY: I know that we can find it, Anna!
Anna: Where am I now? MINDY, now I am on a snowy mountain!
MINDY: That is a good place to learn how to ski.
Anna: Yes, MINDY, but it cannot teach us about baseball! And I don’t know how to ski!
MINDY: Sorry, Anna. Let’s try again.
Anna: Where I am now!? MINDY, I am in the ocean! An ocean cannot teach us about baseball!
MINDY: Please don’t yell, Anna. The ocean can teach us about surfing.
Anna: Yes, MINDY, it can teach us about surfing … and sharks! Ahhh!
MINDY: Anna, please wait. I need to fix my navigation device
Anna: MINDY, please fix it faster. And get me out of here … now!
Announcer: Whoa! Is Anna going to be lost forever? Next week, you can watch part two of “The Time Traveling Treehouse!”
Coworker 1: Aw, man! Will the shark eat her?
Coworker 2: Will Anna find the answer?
Coworker 3: Please tell me the ending!
Anna: So, you liked it?
Coworkers: Yes!
Anna: Well, you can watch the ending next week!
Coworkers: Noooooo!
Anna: Don’t forget to watch next week!

New Words

aw- interjection. used to express mild disappointment or sympathy
man - interjection. used to express frustration
oops - interjection. used to express surprise or distress or to say in a mild way that you are sorry about having done or said something wrong
shhh - interjection. used to tell someone to be quiet
whoa - interjection. used to tell someone to slow down or stop and think about something
woo-hoo- interjection. used to express excitement
answer - n. something you say or write when someone asks you a question
ask - v. to say or write something to someone as a way of gaining information
device - n. an object, machine, or piece of equipment that has been made for some special purpose
ending - n. the final part of something
fix to make (something) whole or able to work properly againorto repair (something)
information - n. knowledge that you get about someone or something such asfacts or details about a subject
massive - adj. very large and heavy
mountain- n. an area of land that rises very high above the land around it and that is higher than a hill
navigation - n. the act, activity, or process of finding the way to get to a place when you are traveling in a ship, airplane or car
partner - n. one of two or more people or businesses that work together or do business together
shark- n. a large and often dangerous sea fish with very sharp teeth
ski- v. to move or glide on a pair of long narrow pieces of wood over snow or water
surf - v. to ride on ocean waves using a special board (called a surfboard)
travel- v. to go to a place that is far away
treehouse- n. a small house that is built among the branches of a tree for children to play in

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