Lesson 19: When Do I Start?


Anna: Hi there! Summer in Washington, D.C. is hot and sunny. I always ride the Metro to work. Riding the Metro is cool and fast. But today it’s closed. So, I am walking to work.
(On the phone) Ms. Weaver, I am late this morning. The Metro is closed. So, I am walking to work.
Caty: That’s too bad. It’s really hot today.
Anna: Yes it is.
Caty: When you arrive, please come to my office. I have important news to tell you.
Anna: Of course. Good-bye. My boss has news for me. The question is: Is it good news or bad news?
(At work)
Anna: Hello, Ms. Weaver.
Caty: Anna, I have good news and I have bad news. Which do you want to hear first?
Anna: The good news. No … okay, the bad news.
Caty: The bad news is you are not good at reading the news.
Anna: Oh. I am very sorry to hear that.
Caty: So, starting next month you will not read the news.
Anna: Next month is July. You are firing me in July.
Caty: No. I am not firing you in July … or in August or in September. That is the good news.
Anna: Okay. You are not firing me. I am not reading the news. What will I be doing?
Caty: Well, you are good at asking questions. You are good at talking to people. You are good at showing your feelings. And you are great at being silly.
Anna: Thank you, Ms. Weaver. But what does all that mean?
Caty: I have a new assignment for you! Your skills are perfect for a new show … a children’s show.
Anna: A children’s show ... That is awesome! When do I start?
Caty: You start next month. Start thinking of ideas for the show.
Anna: I have tons of ideas! I can show children what it’s like in outer space ...
Caty: Great …
Anna: … or in the deep, dark ocean
Caty: Those are great ideas, Anna. Please go think of more … at your desk.
Anna: Yes. What other things can I show them? Mt. Everest! Everyone has different skills. You have skills. I have skills. The important thing is to know what you are good at. Until next time!

New Words

arrive - v. to come to or reach a place after traveling
assignment - n. a job or duty that is given to someone
child - n. a young person (plural: children)
closed - adj. not operating or open to the public
deep - adj. having a large distance to the bottom from the surface or highest point
everyone - pron. every person; everybody
fire - v. to dismiss (someone) from a job
idea - n. a thought, plan, or suggestion about what to do
mean - v. to cause or result in (something)
month - n. any one of the 12 parts into which the year is divided
Mt. Everest - n. a mountain in Asia; it is the highest mountain in the world
ocean - n. the salt water that covers much of the Earth's surface
other - adj. used to refer to the one person or thing that remains or that has not been mentioned
outer space - n. the region beyond the Earth's atmosphere in which there are stars and planets
perfect - adj. having all the qualities you want in that kind of person or situation
silly - adj. playful or funny
skill - n. an ability to do something that comes from training, experience, or practice
ton n. informal: a large amount; in the US, a ton is a unit for measuring weight that equals 2,000 pounds (907 kilograms)

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