Lesson 47: How Can I help?


Anna: Hi, Pete. What are you doing?
Pete: Oh! Hi, Anna. Right now, I am fixing my car.
Anna: How’s it going?
Pete: It’s going … not so good.
Anna: How can I help? I was planning to visit some friends. But if you need help, I can help. I like helping.
Pete: Anna, I can fix it myself. But thanks.
Anna: Pete, I think I found your problem. These are spark plugs. (holds them up)
Anna: They start the engine.
Pete: I know that, Anna. But there were too many spark plugs … in there. So I took out the extra ones.
Anna: There are no extras, Pete. You need all of them. Pete, can you fix a car yourself?
Pete: Well, Anna, last night I was watching the online video course, “You CAN Fix a Car Yourself!”
Dan: Yes, you CAN fix your car yourself!
Pete: And I watched the first 10 lessons. So, I think I know what I’m doing.
Anna: How many lessons are there?
Pete: Four hundred and fifty.
Anna: 450! That'll take too long! If I fix your car, I'll have it running in 10 to 15 minutes.
Anna: Where’re your tools?
Pete: I have this. (puts a useless tool in her hand). And this. (hands her another useless tool)
Anna: Great. Um, I’ll get my tools. I’ll be back in a flash!
Pete: But, Anna, I don’t need your ...
(She goes and quickly comes back with tools.)
Pete: … help.
Anna: Pete, when I was a teenager, I was fixing cars -- myself. I learned from a master.
Anna: You can trust me.
Pete: Okay.
Anna: Great! But we need teamwork. You sit in the car. When I say “go,” you start the engine.
Anna: Okay, go! ​
Anna: Stop!
Anna: Okay, go! Huh.
Pete: It's not starting! It’s not starting!
Anna: What’s wrong?
Pete: This car is stupid … stupid, stupid!
Anna: Pete, kicking the tires will not help.
Pete: Well, you did not help, Anna. You did not help!!
Anna: Pete, Pete! Pull yourself together, man. Give me the keys. I must feel the key in the ignition and turn it myself.
Master: Use the key, Anna. Turn the key, Anna. What are you forgetting, Anna?
Anna: Pete. Pete.
Pete: What?
Anna: You are out of gas.
Pete: I can’t be out of gas. (looks at gauge) I’m out of gas. Sorry, Anna. I’ll go get some.
Anna: Pete. You relax. Clean your face. You can watch the rest of your online video course. It’ll be faster if I go … in a flash. Until next time …
Dan (in the online video course): “Lesson 11. Always make sure you have a full tank of gas!”

New Words

course - n. a series of classes about a particular subject in a school
engine - n. a machine that changes energy (such as heat from burning fuel) into mechanical motion
face - n. the front part of the head that has the eyes, nose and mouth on it
fix - v. to make (something) whole or able to work properly again orto repair (something)
flash - n. a sudden appearance or occurrence of something
ignition - n. the electrical system in an engine that causes the fuel to burn so that the engine begins working
key - n. a device that is used to open a lock or start an automobile
kick - v.to hit (someone or something) with your foot
master - n. a person who has become very skilled at doing something
spark plug - n. a part of an engine that produces a spark that makes the fuel burn
stupid - adj. informal. used to refer to something in an angry or irritated way
tank - n.a container for holding a liquid or gas
tire - n. a rubber ring that usually contains air and that fits around the wheel of a car or bicycle
tool - n. something (such as a hammer, saw or shovel) that you hold in your hand and use for a particular task
video - n. a movie, television show or event that has been recorded so that it can be watched on a television or computer screen

Let's Learn English Lesson-47 New Words

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